Watch LaterAdded 19:05 Uncategorized The Renewed Christian March 3, 2023 March 3, 2023 As a New Christian we are expected to act a certain way, but most times we find ourselves stuck in our ungodly behaviours, Here are... 0
Watch LaterAdded 05:29 Uncategorized Overcoming Imposter Syndrome March 3, 2023 March 3, 2023 Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern in which a person doubts their accomplishments and fears of being accused of fraud. It... 0
Watch LaterAdded 13:43 Uncategorized The ability of Christians February 20, 2023 February 20, 2023 Most times as Christians we get to have a lot of fears about the things that happen around us and we forget that God has already mad... 0
Watch LaterAdded 14:37 Uncategorized What is ADHD, February 16, 2023 February 20, 2023 Many people suffer from mental health disorders and do not know what is happening to them. In this show, one of the mental health di... 0
Watch LaterAdded 18:20 Uncategorized Reasoning with God ep3 | Gracious Words FDTV#FarajaDTv February 11, 2023 February 11, 2023 Gracious Words host Peninah Nabirye explains the ability to reason with God 0
Watch LaterAdded 13:06 Uncategorized Reasoning with God | Gracious Words FDTV#FarajaDTv February 3, 2023 February 3, 2023 Gracious Words host Peninah Nabirye explains the ability to reason with God 0
Watch LaterAdded 16:57 Uncategorized KING FA: Am single and Searching. Interview with Bash Muzika #FarajaDTv February 3, 2023 February 3, 2023 King Fa is Commonly known for singing Kokonyo hit song in uganda expresses his great love for God. 0
Watch LaterAdded 06:17 Uncategorized What You Can Accomplish by Obeying God’s Word | Gracious Words FDTV January 27, 2023 January 27, 2023 Gracious Words host Peninah Nabirye explains the power in God’s word and what one can accomplish by obeying it. 0
Watch LaterAdded 17:21 Uncategorized He Was Once a Fish Seller But Now Earns Big from TikTok and Music | Esqoop FDTV January 27, 2023 January 27, 2023 Bash Muzika interviews TikTok star Tom Dee whose journey to TikTok & music stardom started from selling fish in Busega where he... 0
Watch LaterAdded 04:50 Uncategorized Embracing Digital Marketing as a Young Entrepreneur in the West Nile Region | FDTV January 16, 2023 January 16, 2023 The COVID-19 pandemic limited people’s movements all over Uganda to the extent that some of them couldn’t fully attend to their busi... 0