IUIU KC elect guild leaders
Over the weekend, students at the Islamic University In Uganda, Kampala Campus (IUIU, KC) went to polls, to elect their guild leaders.
Using the University’s online platform called the Enterprise Resource Planner(ERP), the students cast their votes for the posts of the Guild President, Vice Lady and the Sports Minister.
For the guild president, a year two law student called Yiga Ismail emerged winner polling 292 votes beating up Katongole Abdul Hakim, law student in year three, who polled 181votes.
The Lady Vice post was won by Nakitende Lailah, who garnered 234 votes ahead of Nabukeera Kulthum who got 188 votes.
Lutaaya Shafik emerged as the winner for the post of Sports Minister with 202 votes ahead of Mukasa Faisal and Kayiza Mubaraka who got 164 votes and 43 votes respectively.
However, there was a very low turn up of voters since the elections were held online, and the network is reported to have disturbed a very big section of them. About 500 students voted, out of over 2000 students that had been registered to vote.
The winners were announced by the chairman of the Electoral Commission (EC) Ssemwanga Abdul Latif and was observed by the administration.
We are yet to bring you election updates from more universities.
By Hussein